Friday, October 25, 2013

Friday Night Memories

As the week nears to an end, I must say this week has been absolutely phenomenal! I hate to admit it by  my classes aren't actually that bad, I got hired at Bath and Body Works,  and I got to spend my Friday night at a carnival where I ate half my weight in nachos and sausage dogs, which lead me to discover that my stomach isn't fond of processed foods anymore. 

Any who, because I'm still very new to blogging I decided to try and play around with different blogging methods.So, without further a do my masterpiece 'Friday Night Memories'...I apologize in advance for the poor quality of my video. I'm still learning! haha!


P.S. Have you guys heard the new One Direction 'Story of My Life'? I've had it on repeat all day, I'm really digging their new has a nice indie pop folk feel to it.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Wildcat Preview Weekend.

I'm sure you all are aware of my current school situation since I have ranted endlessly about it. This past weekend my family and I road tripped up to Abilene, TX for ACU's Wildcat Preview weekend. 

We left bright and early Saturday morning at 5:00 am. Okay that's a lie, we planned to leave at 5:00 but we actually didn't leave till 5:45 am on account that my mom takes forever to leave the house.
I absolutely love driving in the morning it's so calm and peaceful.
 It's was a breathtaking view as we watched the sunrise in the middle of the Texas Hill Country.
As 8:00 am rolled around we were all extremely happy with ourselves considering we were all in a good mood despite the lack of sleep and small space we were sharing and stopped for breakfast.

Once back on the road it wasn't long before something unexpected happened!
My dad somehow managed to get pulled over 3/4 ths of the way for "swerving" as the officer put it. In reality my dad kept moving to the shoulder because the cop appeared like he wanted to pass us up and my dad was simply making room for him to do so. Luckily, the officer let us off with a warning. However, the mix  up caused endless amounts of teasing for the the rest of the trip.
ACU was a beautiful campus. It was exactly like HU but on steroids, I got a little uni homesick.
But quickly got over it when I toured the Recreation center and the Nutrition Department. Oh my word, it was so beautiful. Equipped with a lower level gym, pool, and indoor track it took all my will power to not sneak away from the group and work out.

Honestly,  I never realized how hard it is to eat clean while on the road,  it was a struggle!
I will be the first to admit that I did not eat clean all weekend nor did I work out.
Unless all the walking during the campus tour counts as my cardio?
Any who, despite the familiar tastes of all my favorite fast food joints I was never able to finish full meal because I was no longer used to the food and ended up with several stomaches from the grease.

On our way back we somehow took a wrong turn and ended up on a back road route, it was full of beautiful little towns.
Overall, I had a wonderful weekend and have a new found love for the Hill country. 

Friday, September 6, 2013

Is this awkward or??

Writing my first blog post ever and I don't quite know how I feel about it...

        This feels like a first date with the really long awkward pauses, scanning the surrounding environment to avoid eye contact, and yes, even the occasional forced laugh. If you've never experienced a first date like so, consider yourself lucky. I have and I still have nightmares about it to this day. So I guess since I'm the topic of First Dates I will proceed writing this post like I'm actually on a date. (weird concept..I know)

First things first, Hello I'm Vanessa and it's a pleasure to meet you.
Like every typical teenager I couldn't wait until I graduated from high school to go out and explore the vast wonders of the world. Luckily for me, I was blessed with the tremendous opportunity to attend a private Christian University in Indiana on a full tuition scholarship. My first semester of college was full of laughter, late nights, LOADS of coffee, junk food, and stress. My dorm floor was full of wonderful girls who became my best friends in literally days. Because I lived in Texas all my life my asthma wasn't a problem...that was until I was introduced to my first real winter. The cold triggered my asthma to the point where I had 6 mini asthma attacks in 3 days,and had a massive asthma attack in the shower a few days later. While my friends were beginning their 2nd semester I was on a plane headed home.

What's ironic is that as soon as I landed in Texas, my chest muscles instantly relaxed and my wheezing had disappeared two days later. I spent my entire spring semester on medication trying to nurse my lungs back to health so I could return to my 2nd home. But it seemed like every time I was on the verge of feeling 100% some other health issue came up. When August rolled around, I was on 12 different medications that I had to take daily in order to return to uni. I was personally not a fan of medicines and all the horrible side effects I constantly felt, I put my big girl pants on and made the heartbreaking decision to give up my scholarship and focus on my health instead.

So, this is why I'm here typing away on a lonely boring Friday night as if I'm on a first date, cool.